My full peer-review publication list is available at google scholar.

I’m happy to provide articles upon request.

Additional reports, memos, dashboards, apps, and training are described under Services.

Phillips, S.A., McCarthy, M.C., 2024. Warehouse CITYAn open data product for evaluating warehouse land-use in Southern California. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 23998083241262553.
McCarthy, M., O’Brien, T., Charrier Jessica G., Hafner Hilary R., 2009. Characterization of the Chronic Risk and Hazard of Hazardous Air Pollutants in the United States Using Ambient Monitoring Data. Environmental Health Perspectives 117, 790–796.
McCarthy, M.C., Aklilu, Y.-A., Brown, S.G., Lyder, D.A., 2013. Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds measured in Edmonton, Alberta. Atmospheric Environment 81, 504–516.
Craig, K.J., Baringer, L.M., Chang, S.-Y., McCarthy, M.C., Bai, S., Seagram, A.F., Ravi, V., Landsberg, K., Eisinger, D.S., 2020. Modeled and measured near-road PM2.5 concentrations: Indianapolis and Providence cases. Atmospheric Environment 240, 117775.
Brown, S.G., McCarthy, M.C., DeWinter, J.L., Vaughn, D.L., Roberts, P.T., 2014. Changes in air quality at near-roadway schools after a major freeway expansion in Las Vegas, Nevada. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 64, 1003–1012.
McCarthy, M.C., Mukherjee, A.D., Ogletree, M., Furst, J., Gosselin, M.I., Tigges, M., Thomas, G., Brown, S.G., 2021. Assessment of mobile source air toxics in an Environmental Justice Denver community adjacent to a freeway. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 71, 231–246.
Brown, S.G., Lam Snyder, J., McCarthy, M.C., Pavlovic, N.R., D’Andrea, S., Hanson, J., Sullivan, A.P., Hafner, H.R., 2020. Assessment of Ambient Air Toxics and Wood Smoke Pollution among Communities in Sacramento County. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 1080.
McCarthy, M.C., Hafner, H.R., Chinkin, L.R., Charrier, J.G., 2007. Temporal variability of selected air toxics in the United States. Atmospheric Environment 41, 7180–7194.
Mukherjee, A., McCarthy, M.C., Brown, S.G., Huang, S., Landsberg, K., Eisinger, D.S., 2020. Influence of roadway emissions on near-road PM2.5: Monitoring data analysis and implications. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 86, 102442.
Mukherjee, A., Brown, S.G., McCarthy, M.C., Pavlovic, N.R., Stanton, L.G., Snyder, J.L., D’Andrea, S., Hafner, H.R., 2019. Measuring Spatial and Temporal PM2.5 Variations in Sacramento, California, Communities Using a Network of Low-Cost Sensors. Sensors 19, 4701.
Lurmann, F., Brown, S.G., McCarthy, M.C., Eisinger, D.S., Roberts, P.T., 2013. Processes Influencing Ambient Concentrations Near Roadways. Environ. Man. J 18, 6.
Raffuse, S.M., McCarthy, M.C., Craig, K.J., DeWinter, J.L., Jumbam, L.K., Fruin, S., James Gauderman, W., Lurmann, F.W., 2013. High-resolution MODIS aerosol retrieval during wildfire events in California for use in exposure assessment: HIGH-RESOLUTION MODIS AOD FOR WILDFIRES. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118, 11, 242–11, 255.
Brown, S.G., Hyslop, N.P., Roberts, P.T., McCarthy, M.C., Lurmann, F.W., 2006. Wintertime Vertical Variations in Particulate Matter (PM) and Precursor Concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley during the California Regional Coarse PM/Fine PM Air Quality Study. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 56, 1267–1277.
McCarthy, M.C., Eisinger, D., Hafner, H.R., Black, K.N., Clark, N., McMurry, P., Winer, A., 2006b. Particulate Matter: A Strategic Vision for Transportation Related Research. Environmental Science & Technology 40, 7.
Lurmann, F.W., Brown, S.G., McCarthy, M.C., Roberts, P.T., 2006. Processes Influencing Secondary Aerosol Formation in the San Joaquin Valley during Winter. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 56, 1679–1693.
MacDonald, C.P., McCarthy, M.C., Dye, T.S., Wheeler, N.J.M., Hafner, H.R., Roberts, P.T., 2006. Transport and Dispersion during Wintertime Particulate Matter Episodes in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 56, 961–976.
Raffuse, S.M., Sullivan, D.C., McCarthy, M.C., Penfold, B.M., Hafner, H.R., 2007. Ambient air monitoring network assessment guidance, analytical techniques for technical assessments of ambient air monitoring networks. Retrieved July 20, 2007.
McCarthy, M.C., Hafner, H.R., Montzka, S.A., 2006a. Background Concentrations of 18 Air Toxics for North America. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 56, 3–11.
Field, R.A., Soltis, J., McCarthy, M.C., Murphy, S., Montague, D.C., 2015. Influence of oil and gas field operations on spatial and temporal distributions of atmospheric non-methane hydrocarbons and their effect on ozone formation in winter. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, 3527–3542.
Rahn, T., Eiler, J.M., Boering, K.A., Wennberg, P.O., McCarthy, M.C., Tyler, S., Schauffler, S., Donnelly, S., Atlas, E., 2003. Extreme deuterium enrichment in stratospheric hydrogen and the global atmospheric budget of H 2. Nature 424, 918–921.
Mar, K.A., McCarthy, M.C., Connell, P., Boering, K.A., 2007. Modeling the photochemical origins of the extreme deuterium enrichment in stratospheric H \(_{\textrm{2}}\). Journal of Geophysical Research 112, D19302.
McCarthy, M.C., 2004. The hydrogen isotopic composition of water vapor entering the stratosphere inferred from high-precision measurements of δD-CH \(_{\textrm{4}}\) and δD-H \(_{\textrm{2}}\). Journal of Geophysical Research 109, D07304.
Notholt, J., Toon, G.C., Fueglistaler, S., Wennberg, P.O., Irion, F.W., McCarthy, M., Scharringhausen, M., Rhee, T.S., Kleinbohl, A., Velazco, V., 2010. Trend in ice moistening the stratosphere – constraints from isotope data of water and methane. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 7.
McCarthy, M.C., Connell, P., Boering, K.A., 2001. Isotopic fractionation of methane in the stratosphere and its effect on free tropospheric isotopic compositions. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 3657–3660.
McCarthy, M.C., Boering, K.A., Rice, A.L., Tyler, S.C., Connell, P., Atlas, E., 2003. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of stratospheric methane: 2. Two-dimensional model results and implications for kinetic isotope effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108.
Rice, A.L., Tyler, S.C., McCarthy, M.C., Boering, K.A., Atlas, E., 2003. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of stratospheric methane: 1. High-precision observations from the NASA ER-2 aircraft. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108.
Bellinger, M.A., Uyehara, A.N., Allsman, L., Martinez, P., McCarthy, M.C., Rasmussen, C.G., 2023. Cortical microtubules contribute to division plane positioning during telophase in maize. The Plant Cell 35, 1496–1512.
McCarthy, M.C., Allington, J.W.R., Sullivan, K.O., 1999. A quadratic configuration interaction study of N2O and N2O·−. Molecular Physics 96, 1735–1737.
McCarthy, M.C., Allington, J.W.R., Griffith, K.S., 1998. An accurate ab initio calculation of the electron affinity of NO. Chemical Physics Letters 289, 156–159.