16  Assignments for Unit 3 - Data

This includes the list of assignments for Unit 3 - Data

16.1 Group Presentation

Due to present in class on October 29, 2024. Teams of approximately 4 students. End product is a 6-10 minute presentation in class using slides. It will include descriptions of the plan for individual and group data visualizations.


Absence from in-class presentation will need a Doctor’s note or similar documentation to be able to make-up this assignment during Office Hours.

It should include approximately:

  • 2 minutes of introduction and background
  • 2 minutes defining the scope of your Project
    • Spatial extent (e.g., state of California)
    • Temporal extent (i.e., year-range)
    • Environmental variable(s) to be examined (air pollution, water, radiation, climate, etc.)
  • 2 minutes on what the team’s goal is and what data will be acquired for communicating that story.
  • 2 minutes on the visualization strategies that will help tell the story. What will the project look like (hand-drawn sketches or design mock-ups are fine).

16.1.1 Grading for Group Presentation Project

Total of 150 points.

  • 30 points from other group members (participation grade - anonymous)
  • 60 points for quality of presentation slides
    • 10 points for spelling/grammar/formatting
    • 30 points for content, text, and visualizations
    • 20 points for covering 4 topic areas
  • 60 points for presentation
    • 20 points for covering 4 topic areas
    • 10 points for having approximately equal talking time among team members
    • 30 points for content mastery and for answering questions from classmates and Professor Mike