3  Introduction to Spatial Visualization - 1

Today we will be focusing on the practice of geospatial data visualization.

As a reminder, our framework for the workflow of data visualization is shown in Figure 25.1

Figure 3.1: Tidyverse

3.1 Load and Install Packages

As a warmup, let’s load the tidyverse. Remember, you can check to make sure a package is loaded in your R session by checking on the files, plots, and packages panel, clicking on the Packages tab, and scrolling down to tidyverse to make sure it is checked.


3.1.1 Geospatial Packages

R has multiple packages that enable geospatial data visualization. Today, we create basic maps using the sf and leaflet. sf stands for Simple Features which is an open-source geographic information systems data format that works pretty well with tidyverse. Leaflet is an open-source library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

As a reminder, when we first use a package, we need to install it locally. Let’s start by installing both packages. This only needs to be done once.

Next, we load the packages to make sure they are available within the R environment.

Installing and loading packages is EZ!

3.2 Acquiring Data

We are going to acquire two datasets for testing today. The first dataset is the nc shapefile dataset that should be installed as part of the sf package. Unlike mpg, this dataset is not directly available in the global environment.

We also will import geospatial environmental data set for our test examples. We are going to use a curated version of the CalEnviroscreen4.0 data. The data for the full state of California can be acquired as a zipped esri shapefile .shp. I’ve hosted a smaller version just for SoCal on my gitHub repository for this analysis. Downloading, unzipping, and then importing files is a big part of data science. Unfortunately, it has been my experience that having 15 people all have the same directory and file structures on 15 different machines is fraught with peril. I don’t want to troubleshoot that for an hour in class, so I tried to make the EZ mode code below.

3.2.1 North Carolina shapefile

We will read the data in using the sf function st_read and the base R function system.file.

  • st_read() is a specialized function that reads and loads in geospatial data files of various formats.
  • system_file() is a function that checks for files that are within system directories that have been loaded as packages. It searches within the package directories on your computer.
  • st_transform() is required to display the polygons properly in leaflet in the WGS84 coordinate reference system.

We assign the North Carolina data we’re reading into a dataset using the <- operator. The <- operator tells R that the data we are loading should be placed into a dataset that we have named nc. In future functions, nc will access that underlying data within nc.

Lastly, there is the pipe operator |>. These pipes are amazing coding features that transformed coding for me. I cannot express my love for the |> in words alone. It allows existing data or information to be passed to the next line of code after some operation has been done on the data. The pipe operator says, ‘take the output from this line of code, and now do this next thing’. I like to think of them as Super Mario pipes that Mario enters and is transported to another place. For now, take it on faith that this is the most useful operator in the tidyverse and will be littered throughout this course.

nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf")) |> 
  st_transform("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
Reading layer `nc' from data source 
  using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 100 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
Geodetic CRS:  NAD27

We then use the head() function to print the first 5 rows of the nc dataset.

Pro tip: Always look at the data after import. Importing data is fraught with peril.

Simple feature collection with 6 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -81.74091 ymin: 36.0729 xmax: -75.7728 ymax: 36.58973
Geodetic CRS:  +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
1 0.114     1.442  1825    1825        Ashe 37009  37009        5  1091     1
2 0.061     1.231  1827    1827   Alleghany 37005  37005        3   487     0
3 0.143     1.630  1828    1828       Surry 37171  37171       86  3188     5
4 0.070     2.968  1831    1831   Currituck 37053  37053       27   508     1
5 0.153     2.206  1832    1832 Northampton 37131  37131       66  1421     9
6 0.097     1.670  1833    1833    Hertford 37091  37091       46  1452     7
  NWBIR74 BIR79 SID79 NWBIR79                       geometry
1      10  1364     0      19 MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.47258 3...
2      10   542     3      12 MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.23971 3...
3     208  3616     6     260 MULTIPOLYGON (((-80.45614 3...
4     123   830     2     145 MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.00863 3...
5    1066  1606     3    1197 MULTIPOLYGON (((-77.21736 3...
6     954  1838     5    1237 MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.74474 3...

3.2.2 Calenviroscreen4.0 geoJSON

The second dataset is hosted on the github repository where the class materials are version controlled. The code below names the internet URL where the data is stored as URL.path. If you go to the URL link, you will see the raw .geoJSON formatted spatial data file.

Next, we apply the same st_read() function to read the geoJSON file. geoJSON is a common format for encoding geographic data structures, and st_read() natively knows how to read it in. The st_transform() function again changes the polygons into the WGS84 coordinate reference system.

This time, we’ve named the dataset SoCalEJ.

Finally, we use the head() function on our SoCalEJ dataset to look at the first 5 rows.

URL.path <- 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RadicalResearchLLC/EDVcourse/main/CalEJ4/CalEJ.geoJSON'
SoCalEJ <- st_read(URL.path) |> 
  st_transform("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")
Reading layer `CalEJ' from data source 
  using driver `GeoJSON'
Simple feature collection with 3747 features and 66 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 97418.38 ymin: -577885.1 xmax: 539719.6 ymax: -236300
Projected CRS: NAD83 / California Albers
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 66 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: -117.874 ymin: 33.5556 xmax: -117.7157 ymax: 33.64253
Geodetic CRS:  +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
       Tract   ZIP County     ApproxLoc TotPop19   CIscore   CIscoreP
1 6059062640 92656 Orange   Aliso Viejo     3741  9.642007 12.1028744
2 6059062641 92637 Orange   Aliso Viejo     5376 10.569290 14.3343419
3 6059062642 92625 Orange Newport Beach     2834  3.038871  0.6807867
4 6059062643 92657 Orange Newport Beach     7231  6.538151  5.8497226
5 6059062644 92660 Orange Newport Beach     8487  8.873604 10.4009077
6 6059062645 92657 Orange Newport Beach     6527  6.033648  4.7402925
       Ozone   OzoneP     PM2_5  PM2_5_P   DieselPM DieselPM_P  Pesticide
1 0.05165298 65.36403  9.445785 43.88301 0.14536744   50.13068 0.00000000
2 0.05219839 66.80772  9.785209 46.89484 0.07372588   27.41755 0.00000000
3 0.04827750 55.38270 10.433417 52.03485 0.03478566   12.40821 0.06496406
4 0.04901945 58.23273 10.013395 49.29683 0.03594981   12.90604 0.00000000
5 0.04863521 56.96329 10.565404 52.63223 0.07701293   28.73678 0.00000000
6 0.04863521 56.96329 10.329985 51.28811 0.04047264   14.58619 0.00000000
  PesticideP   Tox_Rel Tox_Rel_P   Traffic TrafficP DrinkWat DrinkWatP
1    0.00000  293.8420  41.44786  999.0182  57.7125 177.3831  5.907331
2    0.00000  681.0703  57.65191 1051.9778  61.2250 312.7169 25.939803
3   22.58621 1557.6400  74.05601  874.8193  49.5000 332.6654 32.284251
4    0.00000 1349.2300  70.69267 1169.7532  67.4250 332.6654 32.284251
5    0.00000 1889.5133  78.03201 1383.9867  74.9500 332.6654 32.284251
6    0.00000 1589.1400  74.44361 1025.2790  59.5750 332.6654 32.284251
       Lead    Lead_P Cleanup  CleanupP GWThreat GWThreatP HazWaste HazWasteP
1 18.450498 10.737240     0.0  0.000000      0.0  0.000000    0.280  46.80344
2  9.898042  3.730309     0.0  0.000000      0.0  0.000000    0.280  46.80344
3 14.263664  6.830498     4.5 40.836133      2.0 14.311805    0.150  26.67108
4  5.594984  1.600504     0.0  0.000000      0.5  2.722896    0.210  37.68365
5 16.777373  9.061122     0.0  0.000000      7.5 39.448780    0.395  60.22502
6 12.086059  5.343415     0.7  9.593132      2.0 14.311805    0.100  16.63799
  ImpWatBod ImpWatBodP SolWaste SolWasteP PollBurd PolBurdSc PolBurdP Asthma
1         7   66.73667        0   0.00000 30.50123  3.724194 18.95457  21.70
2         7   66.73667        2  52.89805 35.23480  4.302163 29.71998  21.74
3         8   72.15456        0   0.00000 35.68847  4.357555 30.77785  14.93
4         6   58.69383        0   0.00000 30.97653  3.782228 19.87554  10.33
5         2   23.87652        2  52.89805 39.48486  4.821094 41.44368  13.88
6         3   33.15834        2  52.89805 32.98028  4.026885 24.04480  10.51
     AsthmaP LowBirtWt   LowBirWP Cardiovas CardiovasP Educatn     EducatP
1 11.2786640      4.45 37.2337696      9.74 27.5049850     1.0    1.771703
2 11.3908275      3.50 16.2176033      8.72 18.8310070     8.4   35.876993
3  3.7263210      1.18  0.2950988      5.41  1.8569292  -999.0 -999.000000
4  0.9845464      5.39 61.9450860      4.46  0.3988036     2.0    5.859276
5  2.7542373      2.86  7.6597383      5.43  1.9192423     3.7   14.781068
6  1.0343968      4.64 42.1991275      4.65  0.4860419     0.0    0.000000
  Ling_Isol Ling_IsolP Poverty  PovertyP Unempl     UnemplP HousBurd HousBurdP
1       1.1   7.375829    20.0 34.208543    3.0   17.113483     19.9 62.420786
2       4.4  33.942347    12.9 16.821608    2.6   11.868818     19.5 60.925222
3       0.0   0.000000     9.5  8.982412    0.9    1.145237     14.5 35.817490
4       3.9  30.694275     6.9  4.170854    2.6   11.868818      8.5  8.504436
5       5.0  37.664095    12.3 15.326633    4.0   30.882353     18.9 58.225602
6       1.0   6.266071    11.5 13.517588 -999.0 -999.000000     14.8 37.477820
    PopChar PopCharSc   PopCharP Child_10 Pop_10_64 Elderly65 Hispanic   White
1 24.958604 2.5890185 13.2375189  10.9864   81.7696    7.2441  16.4662 63.2184
2 23.683405 2.4567389 11.7750882  13.2812   61.9792   24.7396  22.0238 55.2455
3  6.722867 0.6973798  0.2647504   5.9280   49.6471   44.4248   5.6104 89.6260
4 16.664505 1.7286508  4.9167927   7.9657   67.7361   24.2982   4.4530 63.9331
5 17.743511 1.8405788  5.8119012  10.4866   72.3224   17.1910   8.8488 82.0785
6 14.444279 1.4983412  3.3787191  11.0311   68.4388   20.5301   3.8302 74.7664
  AfricanAm NativeAm OtherMult Shape_Leng Shape_Area    AAPI
1    4.9452   0.0000    3.6087   5604.596    1467574 11.7616
2    1.3765   0.0000    3.5900   6244.598    2143255 17.7641
3    0.3881   0.0000    1.4467   6803.947    2048571  2.9287
4    0.0000   0.3042    6.0987  26448.643   18729420 25.2109
5    0.0000   0.0000    1.1076  10964.108    4361037  7.9651
6    0.2911   0.0000    0.8733   9833.066    5754643 20.2390
1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.7178 3...
2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.7166 3...
3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.8596 3...
4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.7986 3...
5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.8521 3...
6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-117.8269 3...

Sometimes the data import messes up at the end of the dataset. A thorough scholar will use the tail function to check the bottom 5 rows as well.

In future classes, we may dive into the perilous world of file structures and directories. However, that is unfun, unrewarding, and gruesomely detail oriented, so we’ll avoid it for now.

3.2.3 Creating a New Geospatial Dataset

In addition to importing data, sometimes we just to create our own dataset. Let’s demonstrate how to create a very simple data frame in R for the latitude and longitude of a couple different locations we want to put on a map.

I want to show the location of this classroom at the Redford Conservancy and the neighborhood where I live.

I can use Google Maps or similar websites to get the latitude and longitude data. Latitude is North and South. Longitude is East and West.

The code below will create a data frame which is an R data structure that has rows and columns. A data frame is a generic data object that can store tabular data of many different types.

We’ll use two base R functions to create the data frame, c() and data.frame().

  • c() - this function concatenates data. It is used to create a list.
  • ’data.frame()` - this function turns a list (or lists) into a data.frame type.

We assign latitude values to a variable named lat, and a longitude values to a variable named lng. We use c() because we have multiple values that we want to include. We combine them into the locations data.frame. Then we check it worked by typing locations.

lat <- c(34.1100576, 33.8895145)
lng <- c(-117.710074, -117.319014)

locations <- data.frame(lat, lng) 
       lat       lng
1 34.11006 -117.7101
2 33.88951 -117.3190 Exercise 1

  1. Find another location’s latitude and longitude coordinates that you want to add to a map.
  2. Hack the code to add your location of interest to the two existing locations data.frame.
  3. Display the output of the locations data.frame to show that your code worked!

3.3 Visualize the Data - Geospatial Edition

3.3.1 Choose the visualization type

We’ll be exploring leaflet() maps for our visualizations. Leaflet has a number of in-built display functions for geospatial data that make things look really cool. I will note that ggplot can make maps too with geom_sf() and other functionality, but I prefer the leaflet tiles for interactive maps as a superior visualization tool.

3.3.2 Choose the visualization function

We’ll apply leaflet() to every visualization for geospatial data today, and add at least one add function to display spatial information.

3.3.3 Write the code for a basic geospatial visualization

Leaflet is a super cool package for making interactive maps with very few lines of code. As before let’s start with basics and then iterate.

Note that Leaflet has a different style and coding aesthetic than ggplot, so some of the syntax and grammar is a bit different. However, the steps are the same as for ggplot.

  • Add a verb or two for an action - usually this is the function.
  • Add an object to apply the action to - this is usually the dataframe, but can be a list or another type of data object.
  • Add adjectives and adverbs to modify the action or the object Example 1 - Basic Tile Map

Figure 3.2 shows the standard leaflet map with a minimal reproducible example. This map shows the whole world in a Mercator projection. The map is interactive, just like most of the maps you come across in standard apps and websites on the modern internet. You can zoom in and see the details of an area like Los Angeles, with all the annotation and standard roads, forests, city names, etc.

The code is simply two lines with two actionable functions.

  • leaflet() - this function identifies the type of visualization.
  • addTiles() - this function tells the leaflet map to display the default visualization ‘tile’. Tiles are the way geospatial data are rendered depending on the zoom level that makes it work for not displaying too much detail as you zoom out.
Figure 3.2: A very basic Leaflet map

A map is useful by itself, but we have not added any information to it. A map alone is not going to be useful as a visualization unless we add some data. Example 2. Tile Map with Location Markers

Remember that locations data frame we created earlier. Let’s add that to the map.

addMarkers() is a useful function to add point data to a map.

Figure 3.3 shows the map with my two locations on it added as markers. We added another line of code with a pipe operator to put the locations data on the map.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addMarkers(data = locations)
Figure 3.3: Leaflet map with locations

Whoot! A map with locations! And now the spatial extent of the map defaults to just show an area that encompasses the markers in the locations dataset. If your location that you added to the dataset happens to be outside California, your map will be zoomed way out compared to someone who only includes locations in SoCal.

I purposely made the column names lat and lng because then we don’t have to assign those variables in the addMarkers call. If your columns are named something else (e.g., Lati or long), leaflet will need to be told that those are the correct columns to look for. Example 3. North Carolina Counties on a Tile Map

Going beyond point locations, geospatial data really shines when we display shapes. We’ll start by displaying the nc dataframe.

addPolygons() is the function used to display polygons.

Figure 3.4 shows the North Carolina counties.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc)
Figure 3.4: Leaflet map with North Carolina Counties

We have done it! Exercise 2

  • Make a leaflet map with the SoCalEJ dataset. It should look like Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5: Leaflet map with Calenviroscreen 4.0

3.3.4 Improve the Visualization

The basic visualization is in need of some improvement. First let’s explore colors, fillcolors, stroke, and opacity.

Within the addPolygons() function, there are many options that can be modified to alter the output from the default settings. We won’t cover all these options today.

  • color
  • weight
  • opacity
  • fillColor
  • fillOpacity
  • stroke
  • group
  • label

Let’s iterate and make some improvements!

Figure 3.6 shows what happens we just change the color from blue to black. Both the fill and line color are changed.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc, color = 'black')
Figure 3.6: Leaflet map with North Carolina Counties and color changed to black

The lines are too heavy. Let’s lower the weight - we’ll let the color go back to blue to keep the example minimal.

Figure 3.7 shows the result, which is a much cleaner look.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc, weight = 1)
Figure 3.7: Leaflet map for North Carolina Counties with line weight changed to 1.

Much better!

Within the North Carolina dataset are some numerical values by county. Let’s use fillcolor the counties to indicate the values.

Unfortunately, leaflet requires us to do a bit of coding on our color palette.

Functions that help define the color palette in leaflet are

This creates a numeric color palette for the BIR79 category of data for North Carolina in a numeric and quantile format. I have chosen the YlGn palette from Figure 1.8.

pal1 <- colorNumeric(palette = 'YlGn', domain = nc$BIR79)
pal2 <- colorQuantile(palette = 'YlGn', domain = nc$BIR79, n = 5)

Now we see what those two palettes look like in the map. Figure 3.8 shows the default numeric palette, but it is too faint with the background tiles.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc,
              weight = 1,
              fillColor = ~pal1(BIR79))
Figure 3.8: Leaflet map for North Carolina Counties with numeric palette for BIR79 and line weight = 1.

Increasing the fillOpacity to 0.8 will help us to see the data much better. Also, let’s remove the lines completely by setting stroke to FALSE. Figure 3.9 shows

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc,
              stroke = FALSE,
              fillColor = ~pal1(BIR79),
              fillOpacity = 0.8)
Figure 3.9: Leaflet map for North Carolina Counties with numeric palette for BIR79, increasing opacity, removing lines.

That has a much better pop and we can really see the county differences in the high and low population areas.

Figure 3.10 shows the quantile binned palette pal2. Now the number of counties in each color bin is about the same, which helps to sort the differences among the lowest population counties.

leaflet() |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(data = nc, 
              stroke = FALSE,
              fillColor = ~pal2(BIR79),
              fillOpacity = 0.8)
Figure 3.10: Leaflet map for North Carolina Counties with quantile palette for BIR79, opacity optimized, and lines removed.

3.3.5 Exercise 3

  1. Select a different color palette from Figure 1.8 to replace ‘YlGn’ in pal1.
  2. Generate a North Carolina map with your choice of color palette for the BIR79 category. Adding a Legend

The existing map is not bad, but the color scale is not self-explanatory. We need to add a legend so a user can understand the data scale.

addLegend() will provides that functionality.

Figure 3.11 shows the legend overlay with the map. Note that we need to either move the data = nc into the initial call to leaflet() or define it separately in both the addPolygons and addLegend functions.

The addLegend polygon require the inputs for pal and values. Defining the color palette pal1 and the values of the scale ~BIR79 are required. The title is optional, but the scale doesn’t make much sense without a description.

leaflet(data = nc) |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  addPolygons(stroke = FALSE,
              fillColor = ~pal1(BIR79),
              fillOpacity = 0.8) |> 
  addLegend(pal = pal1, 
            title = 'Births in 1979', 
            values = ~BIR79)
Figure 3.11: Leaflet map for North Carolina Counties with numeric palette for BIR79, color legend, opacity optimized, and lines removed. Noodle Zone Exercise 4

  1. Create a colorPalette for a SoCalEJ dataset variable. Choose one of the following numerical variables and a colorPalette from Figure 1.8
  • Poverty
  • Hispanic
  • AfricanAm
  • Ozone
  • DieselPM_P
  1. Create a map for the SoCalEJ dataset with census tracts color coded for your chosen category of the following categories:
  2. Add a Legend to the map

That map might look like Figure 13.3.

palDPM <- colorNumeric(palette = 'YlOrBr', domain = SoCalEJ$DieselPM_P, n = 5)

leaflet(data = SoCalEJ) |> 
  addTiles() |> 
  setView(lat = 34, lng = -117.60, zoom = 9) |> 
  addPolygons(stroke = FALSE,
              fillColor = ~palDPM(DieselPM_P),
              fillOpacity = 0.8) |> 
  addLegend(pal = palDPM, 
            title = 'Diesel Particulate Matter (%)', 
            values = ~DieselPM_P)
Figure 3.12: Leaflet map for Diesel PM percentile in Southern California